Trail of UNESCO sites
10-day road trip around Poland
The UNESCO World Heritage Sites are places of outstanding value to humanity. Poland occupies ninth place in Europe when it comes to the number of sites inscribed on the list. On this trip, we will show you all sixteen monuments scattered around eleven regions of Poland. Get ready for a lot of culture and history and a fast pace of sightseeing on the tour. Let’s start!
Experience you’ll gain:
- compare as many as three different mines, each of them mining different resources
- embark on a boat ride through an adit
- if you are lucky, you will see European bison in a reserve
- feel the atmosphere of both a Gothic and Renaissance town
- visit the most powerful fortress of medieval Europe
- take a close look at the largest wooden religious buildings in Europe
- discover the so-called ‘Polish Jerusalem’
- have a time for reflection in the Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau

Trail of UNESCO sites