Chopin’s Warsaw

Musical journey to the capital of Poland


We will take you on a journey through musical Warsaw and its surroundings. Your stay will be planned to the smallest detail – from hotel accommodation to transport booking. We will be at your disposal during your entire stay in the capital of Poland.

Day 1
Good morning, Warsaw!

After hotel check-in,  a local guide will show you Warsaw’s Old Town, carefully rebuilt after the destruction of World War II. It is an unusual place that will delight you with its charming streets and colorful tenement houses, which are a faithful replica of what could be seen here before World War II. You will see the vibrant Old Town Square with the statue of the Warsaw Mermaid and the Museum of Warsaw, the Renaissance Barbican, St. John’s Archcathedral which was originally built in the 14th century and served as a coronation and burial site for Polish kings, and the baroque-classicist Royal Castle.

3 h
Day 2
Let’s talk about Chopin

After breakfast, you will visit places connected with Fryderyk Chopin: the Presidential Palace where the young pianist gave his first public concert at the age of 8; the Visitationist Church where Chopin played the organ on numerous occasions and met his first love; the Czapski Palace which was his last residence before departure to Paris; the Holy Cross Church where the composer’s heart is interred, and the Saxon Garden where the young pianist often went for a walk.

Then you will visit the Royal Łazienki Museum to see the Chopin Monument. For more than 50 years, in the summer, Chopin Concerts have been held at the foot of this monument.  It is a unique opportunity to listen to eminent pianists’ performances surrounded by wonderful nature.

20 km
6 h
Lunch and dinner
Day 3
In the land of childhood

After breakfast, we will take you to Żelazowa Wola, the birthplace of the Polish composer, to visit his family home – a beautiful 19th-century manor surrounded by a picturesque park. You will learn about the history of the Chopin family and see the exhibition with many valuable items. It is not far from Żelazowa Wola to Brochów where Fryderyk was baptised in the local defensive church.

At the end of the day you will visit the palace in Sanniki. Chopin not only spent his summer holidays there, but he also wrote his music. You will have the opportunity to travel back in time and listen to a Chopin concert.

135 km
5 h
Chopin concert
Lunch and dinner
Day 4
Chopin in miniature

An adventure with Chopin will end at the Chopin Museum which is located in the Ostrogski Palace in Warsaw. The idea behind the Museum is to “experience Chopin”. Sound, scent, and light are just some of the special effects that are waiting to stimulate the senses of viewers. After such a visit, Chopin will no longer be a secret to you!

2 h
Chopin’s Warsaw