Gdańsk in a nutshell
Fall in love with Northern Poland in 4 days
If this is your first visit in Gdańsk, you will find out very quickly that such a short stay is not enough to discover all its charms. These four days, however, will be enough for you to wish to be back again in Gdańsk, especially as each season is completely different here.
Experience you’ll gain:
- find out what function the Crane, the largest mediaeval port crane in Europe, once performed
- observe the transformation of the city after the destruction of World War II
- sample the flavour of iconic dishes from the communist era
- see what 15 million red bricks look like
- sail along the Elbląg Canal and discover why the cruise is so unique
- taste locally brewed beer in one of the city’s historic breweries
- see the city’s panorama from four different perspectives

Gdańsk in a nutshell